Hello I’m Daniel Grosse,
I work as a Fullstack Developer since more than 10 years. Most of my time I work in web development. I learned the basics within my high school time and then switched to self learning.
My home town is Zwickau in Germany, where I live with my family.
I’m interested in art in general and generative art specifically.
Link: Github, Mastodon
I came up to this course through a recommendation on Mastodon. The content interested me, as I also enjoyed the examples of cellular automata. After working in web development for most of my career, I saw this as a chance to do something new.
After dipping the toes into that field, I will go further with creating some images on my own and eventually moving into more physical outcomes like paintings.
I would love to had more collaboration with the other participants. Somehow the interest was not there. Also the collaboration in Discord didn’t happen. The first note taking solution felt more appropriate then google drive and I felt it as a loss when it was discontinued.
==The mentor should help with the organization of groups of people and encourage the pupils to work together. Host the tool on a more capable infrastructure is a requirement for such a online course.==
The beginning of the course was really joyful. Doing the paper weaving felt really relaxing. Having more physical work would be great. But it also in my own hands how to do the homework.
Seeing the outcomes of the other participants was cool as well!
The best was the course and the new wisdom we learned. I really looked forward to each tuesday.
The worst was finding the idea and time to do the homework in a satisfactory way.
I felt lost at the last course, where we talked about leaving the grid and doing something on our own. Here I was not ready enough, as I had to do more with the randomness of the week before. \nBetween the courses I had many ideas going around in my head, which things I could do and what would be cool to reach. Also when I digged deeper into the topic a had a lot of new things to learn.
I got new insights on the whole topic of the generation of graphics with rules. That the basic rules could be stripped down to a binary representation stunned me.
Seeing systems evolve through some simple rules and reacting to changes where really cool.
The work of Justin Manley and Fabio Cortes where very inspirational.